Table of Contents
What are Encodian Action and Credits?
Encodian Flowr Power Automate Examples
What are Encodian Action and Credits?
An Encodian action is an available operation within our Power Automate connector (e.g. "Convert HTML to PDF") or within Encodian Vertr for SharePoint Online.
An Encodian subscription provides a single credit allowance that can be used for all Encodian actions (Flowr Utility actions, Flowr AI actions, all other Flowr and Vertr actions).
For Encodian Flowr, actions are grouped by how they consume credits:
- Standard actions (1 credit per operation)
- Utility actions (0.05 credits per operation)
- AI actions
- Custom Credit Count actions
Standard actions
All actions not Utility, AI or custom credit count actions listed below, are standard actions. A single use of a standard Encodian action will consume 1 credit.
Utility Actions
A single use of an Encodian utility action will consume 0.05 credits (i.e. 20 single uses = 1 credit). Note, on the free plan, a utility action will consume 1 credit.
Utility actions are identified by the prefix "Utility" in their name (see below screenshot). A full list of utility actions can be found here.
AI actions
AI actions utilise credits depending on the size of the input and processing required. Please view action specific documentation for the calculation.
AI actions are identifiable by an "AI" descriptor in their name, usually as a prefix to the name (see below screenshot). but there are exceptions like PDF - Apply OCR (AI). A full list of AI actions can be found here.
Custom Credit Count actions
The following Encodian actions count credits as follows:
- Get Subscription Status - Flowr & Vertr: 0 credits (free)
- Get Subscription Status - Trigr: 0 credits (free)
- OCR a PDF document: 1 credit per page
- Merge documents to PDF: Merge Action (1 credit) + (No. of Documents Converted to PDF)
- Merge document array to PDF: + Merge Action (1 credit) + (No. of Documents Converted to PDF)
- Convert Email Message: Convert Mail Message (1 credit) + (No. of Attachments Converted to PDF)
- Split PDF by Barcode: 1 credit per 5 pages
- Read Barcode - Document: 1 credit per 5 pages
- Read QR Code - Document: 1 credit per 5 pages
- Extract Text from Regions: please see support article, "Credit Count" section
- Convert to PDF: 1 credit unless a PDF is submitted. If a PDF is submitted for conversion, please see support article, "Credit Count" section
Encodian Flowr Power Automate Examples
The following basic example shows a flow instance using a single Encodian 'Convert to HTML to PDF' action (standard action consuming 1 credit per operation).
This flow has used: 1 Encodian credit
The following example shows a flow instance using two standard Encodian actions:
This flow has used: 2 Encodian credits
This flow uses two standard Encodian actions, with the 'Add Text Watermark to PDF' action contained within an 'Apply to each' loop. The 'Add Text Watermark to PDF' action is called for every item within the array which will be processed by the 'Apply to each' loop.
This flow has used the following Encodian credits:
Split PDF used once = 1 Encodian credit
Add Text Watermark to PDF used 9 times = 9 Encodian credits
Total: 10 Encodian credits
Encodian Vertr Examples
When you select and convert a document to PDF format using Encodian Vertr for SharePoint Online it is counted as 1 Encodian credit.
This example shows a single document selected for conversion:
This conversion will consume: 1 Encodian credit
This example shows two documents have been selected for conversion:
This conversion will consume: 2 Encodian credits
This example shows two documents which have been selected for conversion and merged into a single document:
This conversion will consume the following Encodian credits:
Convert two documents to PDF = 2 Encodian credits
Merge documents to PDF = 1 Encodian credit
Total: 3 Encodian credits
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Are Encodian credits per user?
No, credits are available to your entire organization regardless of the number of users, locations, etc.
2. Are Encodian credits counted per flow instance?
No, Encodian credits are counted for every time you use an Encodian action. A single Flow could use more than one Encodian action multiple times.
If you need further clarity please submit a request to our support team.