Populate Word Template Format

I am populating a word template and I have a number value from sharepoint that is populating in Word as a date.

My intialize variable won't let me put float values so I am converting the number to a string, but some reason doesn't like decimal numbers.

"HighAlarm": "@{if(empty(string(triggerOutputs()?['body/HighAlarm'])),'',string(triggerOutputs()?['body/HighAlarm']))}",

How can I format the decimal number to not change to a date in the Word document?

1 comment

  • 0
    Roy Simmons

    Hello George,

    Have you tried disabling the date formatting on the action?

    If you still have issues passing the number format you can also Set the Json Parse Mode to string, so it will pass the numbers as a string.
    Let us know how this goes for you.

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