No end to Sign PDF


i built a pretty simple flow: when a file is created in a sharepoint folder, get the file and content, send it in an email with options and when output is equal to approve, convert the file in PDF with Encodian (even if its already a pdf) and sign it with Encodian, to finally create a signed file on sharepoint.

The problem is that when i test the flow, when it gets to Sign PDF, the test does not complete and the little circle spins and spins... can someone help ?

I'm still under the trial version


1 comment

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    Jay Goodison Official comment

    Hello Guillaume

    The 'Sign PDF' action is not stuck it is failing but because the default retry mechanism hasn't been disabled Power Automate will continue to retry exponentially, when you are developing a flow its good practice to disable the retry mechanism so that the flow errors instantly saving a lot of time, you can find a post covering this here - Power Automate Actions Slow to Error or Timeout (Power Automate Retry Policy) — Encodian

    The actual issue is caused by a bug with the new designer (confirmed by Microsoft).

    To resolve the issue please switch to the classic designer, remove the 'File Content' property on the 'Sign PDF' action and then re-run the flow.

    Edited by Jay Goodison
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