Add text together with QR Code

Hello Team,

I have a flow when a new item is added to the list, a QR-Code is generated and it is saved as attachment.

The issue is I am not able to add the fields (ID, Material Type, Material Density) together with the QR -Code.

Please find a screenshot of my flow


Also, please a find a screenshot of what I want.



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    Jay Goodison Official comment

    Hello Loic Martinez

    To add data beneath the QR code you'll need to set the 'Caption Below *' properties, for example: 

    Which generates this:

    The captions are part of the QR code and are inside the border.

  • 0
    Loic Martinez

    Hello Jay Goodison,
    Thank you. I tried it at first, but was not working good.
    I did the flow again... it works well now.

    Edited by Loic Martinez
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