Deploy Encodian Trigr to all SharePoint Online Sites

There are three key components which form the Encodian Trigr product.

  1. The Encodian account portal (allows you to create and configure Encodian Trigr 'Actions')
  2. The Encodian 'Flowr' connector (provides the Trigr Power Automate trigger action)
  3. The Encodian Trigr App (SPFX component, displays configured Trigr 'Actions' to users within your SharePoint sites)

This article covers point 3: the Encodian Trigr App, detailing how to deploy the Encodian Trigr App to all SharePoint sites.

If you have any questions or issues with the deployment please submit a ticket to our support team.

Deploy the Encodian Trigr App to your Microsoft 365 Tenant

1. Download the 'Trigr.sppkg' app package

2. Navigate to the SharePoint Admin Center by entering the following URL in your browser. Replace yourtenantprefix with your Microsoft 365 tenant prefix.


3. In the left sidebar, select More features

4. Locate the section Apps and select Open.

5. Click 'Upload'


6. Select 'Enable this app and add it to all sites' option

7. Click 'Enable App'


8.The App impersonates the current user to request information (Group membership) from the Microsoft Graph, therefor the following permissions should be enabled:

  • Microsoft Graph, Group.Read.All
  • Microsoft Graph, User.Read

Click 'Go to API access page' to enable the permissions


9.a. Select each request and click 'Approve'

NOTE: It is common for these permissions to have been previously approved, and therefore no further action is required.


9.b. Click 'Approve'


10. The Encodian Trigr app has now been deployed and will be available within your SharePoint sites (Document libraries and lists).


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