The 'Get Subscription Status - Trigr' action obtains real-time information about the current usage statistics for your Encodian Trigr subscription.
Example Flow
Please refer to the following article outlining how to use the 'Get Subscription Status - Trigr' Power Automate to monitor usage and generate operational alerts: Monitor Encodian for Power Automate Usage
Credit Count
This action consumes is free to use; no credits are consumed.
Default Parameters
The 'Get Subscription Status - Trigr' flow action does not require any input parameters.
Return Parameters
The 'Get Subscription Status - Trigr' flow action returns the following data.
Action Specific Return Values
- Available Actions - The number of actions remaining for the current calendar month
- Subscription Enabled - Indicates whether the Encodian subscription is enabled or disabled
- Subscription Level - Details the current Encodian subscription level
- Monthly Actions - Details the allowed actions per month for the current Encodian subscription level
- Expiry Date - The date and time your Encodian subscription will expire
- Billing Interval - Details the current billing interval (Monthly or Annually
Standard Return Values
- HttpStatusCode - The HTTP Status code for the response.
- HttpStatusMessage - The HTTP Status message for the response.
- Errors - An array of error messages should an error occur.