Create a dynamic form in Trigr

The Trigr SharePoint app allows users to start a selected 'Action' which in turn starts the associated Power Automate flow passing all relevant details to the flow (Site Address, Library Name, etc.). For full details, please refer: 'When a user runs a Trigr' overview

Upon occasion, you may wish to request additional information from the user before allowing them to start the 'Action', and this can be done by creating a dynamic form.

Creating a dynamic form can be performed when adding a new 'Action' or editing an existing 'Action' via the Encodian account portal. Simply select the 'Form Configuration' tab:


For guidance on creating a new Trigr 'Action', please refer to: Create a Trigr 'Action'

Add a dynamic form to an existing Trigr 'Action'

Please either following this video tutorial or the instructions contained within this article:

For example, let's add a dynamic form to an existing Trigr 'Action'.

1. Log into the

2. Click the edit icon on the Trigr 'Action' you would like to add the dynamic form to


3. Click 'Form Configuration'


4. Optional: Enter a description which will be displayed to the user when completing the form


5. The 'Fields' lists all existing form fields and provides the features to add, edit and delete existing fields.


6. Following these steps to add a new form field:

6.a. Name: Add the display name for the form field

6.b. Type: Set the type of field (Textbox, Checkbox, People Picker, Person Picker, Date Picker, Disclaimer, Text Area, Password, SharePoint/Active Directory Group)

6.c. Required: Set whether the user is required to provide a value on entry

6.d. Use the 'Sort' icons to order the fields as required

6.c. Click the '+' icon


7. Repeat the process for all required form fields, click 'Update'


8. The dynamic form will now be available from within the SharePoint 'Trigr' app


9. On clicking 'Start', the form will be presented to the user


10. After the form has been completed and the user clicks 'Run', the data will be submitted to the Power Automate flow and provided within the 'Forms Fields' property of the 'When a user runs a Trigr' Power Automate trigger.

For more details on the data provided by the 'When a user runs a Trigr' Power Automate trigger action, please review the following article: 'When a user runs a Trigr' overview

Working with the 'Form Fields' property in Power Automate

All data provided by the user in a dynamic form is submitted to Power Automate within the 'Forms Fields' property of the 'When a user runs a Trigr' Power Automate trigger as a JSON string containing key-value pairs. The following steps detail how to access and work with the Forms Fields' property value within Power Automate

1. Ensure you have already executed the Trigr 'Action' with form data supplied:


2. Navigate to the associated Power Automate Flow's run history and open the instance:


3. Click the 'When a user runs a Trigr' Power Automate trigger action


4. Copy the value contained within the 'Form Fields' property


5. Navigate to open the Power Automate flow in edit mode

6. Add a 'Parse JSON' action beneath the 'When a user runs a Trigr' trigger action


6.a. Content: Select the 'Form Fields' property provided by the 'When a user runs a Trigr' trigger action


6.b. Click 'Generate from sample'


6.c. Paste the value copied in step #4 and click 'Done'


6.d. The schema for the 'Parse JSON' action will be populated by Power Automate


6.e. Configure your Power Automate flow as required to work with the properties provided by the 'Parse JSON' action, which will contain the values entered by the user when completing the form within the SharePoint App.



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