Update an existing API Key for Flowr

If you need to change or obtain an existing API Key please log in to: https://account.encodian.com/powerautomate/apikey


IMPORTANT: Once a new API Key has been generated, your connector will fail to authenticate until you have updated your Encodian connection to use the new API Key. This will affect all Power Automate flows using both Encodian Flowr and Trigr

Once you have obtained your new API Key, please follow these simple steps to update an existing Encodian connection.

1. Browse and login to Flow: https://make.powerautomate.com

2. Click 'Data' > 'Connections'


3. Click '...', click 'Edit'


4. Enter your new API Key in the 'API Key' field, and click 'Save'


5. Your new API Key will be applied.

If you experience any issues updating your Encodian connection or issues with your API Key, please submit a request to our support team, ensuring you select the 'Urgent' priority.

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