Populate Word Document


The 'Populate Word Document' Power Automate action enables you to populate a word document (DOCX) with data derived from a JSON document.

Example Flows

Please refer to the following example solutions:

Video Tutorial

Please refer to the following YouTube Video we published: Advanced Scenarios Populate a Word Document with Power Automate

Populate Word Document Syntax

Please refer to these articles providing detailed guidance and examples for configuring the input word document and JSON document (data): Template Syntax for Populate Word Document

Word Template Library

Please find example word templates for common scenarios within the 'Template Library'

Please also refer to our Template Design forum where our support team can help with template syntax / you can see solutions to common use cases.

Credit Count

This action consumes 1 credit per operation.

Note, different Encodian actions can consume different number credits. Please always check the action specific documentation and read What is an Encodian Action for a full description of how credits are consumed.

Default Parameters

The default 'Populate Word Document' flow action parameters are detailed below:

  • File Content: The Microsoft Word Document (DOCX) to populate.
  • Document Data: The JSON data to populate the document with.

Please refer to the Obtaining the 'File Contents' Parameter article for guidance on how to obtain a 'File Content' parameter ready to provide to an Encodian flow action.

Advanced Parameters

The advanced 'Populate Word Document' Power Automate action parameters are detailed below:

  • JSON Parse Mode: Sets the JSON parsing mode for simple values (null, boolean, number, integer, and string).
    • Standard: JSON simple values are determined upon parsing of their string representations. For example, '{ "example": "69" }' is determined as an integer in this mode.
    • Strict: JSON simple values are determined directly from the JSON notation. For example, '{ "example": "69" }' is determined as an string in this mode.
  • Allow Missing Values: Sets the engine to allow missing values within the 'Document Data'
  • Remove Empty Paragraphs: Sets the engine to automatically removes any empty paragraphs upon execution
  • Inline Errors: Produces errors within the resultant document as opposed to rejecting the request with a HTTP 4** error
  • Date Time Formats: Set one or more specfic formats for parsing DateTime values.
  • Culture Name: This setting is used to set the culture for the document prior to conversion. Please refer to the Culture Names article for a list of supported cultures
  • Time Zone: Set a specific time zone for date and time processing.

Return Parameters

The 'Populate Word Document' flow action returns the following data. 

Action Specific Return Values

  • File Content - The populated word document (Base64)

Standard Return Values

  • OperationId - The unique ID assigned to this operation.
  • HttpStatusCode - The HTTP Status code for the response.
  • HttpStatusMessage - The HTTP Status message for the response.
  • Errors - An array of error messages should an error occur.
  • Operation Status - Indicates whether the operation has completed, has been queued or has failed.
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  • 0
    Marco Aurelio Caldas Miranda

    Having trouble finding the option "Date Time Format". The output document is displaying the date in the wrong format. I've checked the input JSON (omitted below) has the correct date format. How can I disable parsing of DateTime values?

  • 0
    Jay Goodison

    Hello Marco - Please review the following article which details how to control DateTime formatting https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360020648597-Expression-Results-and-Formatting 

    You can disable automatic formatting by entering 'Disable' into the 'Date Time Format' property.

    Edited by Jay Goodison
  • 0
    Len Cardinal

    The three parameters in the article: Inline Errors, Allow Missing Values, and Remove Empty Paragraphs appear to be a single enum parameter now, "Population Options". How do I select multiple values? (Apologies if this is a Power Automate basics question...I tried the verticle pipe operator |... )

  • 0
    Engineering Projects

    Hello Encodian.

    I followed your instruction to add HTML into the word docx.

    I have included IMG with data64 in the HTML, but the result is not satisfactory.

    The image will be default as in line with text, which hide most of the image, showing a little bit of the bottom image.

    Will you have any suggestion on changing the code? Will CSS style fix this issue?


  • 0
    Jo Hall


    I believe this is the same question you have asked on Inserting HTML – Encodian Customer Help, I have provided an answer there;  if I am incorrect please advise. 

  • 0
    Ousman Touray


    I got two questions:
    1)  How do you create a table with data by defining json? I want to create a table that does not exist in it from before, and fill it with data from the flow
    2) How do you insert a new line with text that is already formatted as Header 1 or Header 2? I want to create a table of content in the end

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