PDF - Set Privileges


The 'PDF - Set Privileges' flow action applies the specified security configuration to the PDF document provided. This flow action sets the allowed user privileges (Copy, Print, Modify Contents +more), please refer to the Secure PDF Document article if you need to encrypt and password protect the PDF document.

Credit Count

This action consumes 1 credit per operation.

Note, different Encodian actions can consume different number credits. Please always check the action specific documentation and read What is an Encodian Action for a full description of how credits are consumed.

Default Parameters

The default 'PDF - Set Privileges' flow action parameters are detailed below:

  • Filename: The PDF filename (including the file extension).
  • File Content: A Base64 encoded representation of the PDF file to be processed.
  • Privileges: Set whether PDF document privileges are all allowed or denied, or whether specific privileges should be allowed or denied.

Please refer to the Obtaining the 'File Contents' Parameter article for guidance on how to obtain the 'File Content' parameter ready to provide to an Encodian flow action. 

Advanced Parameters

The following advanced parameters are only applied when the default 'Privileges' parameter is set to 'Specific'.

The advanced 'PDF - Set Privileges' flow action parameters are detailed below:

  • Privilege - Assembly: Allows or denies the privilege to assemble the document (insert, rotate, or delete pages and create bookmarks or thumbnail images), even if Modify Contents is clear.
  • Privilege - Copy: Allows or denies the privilege to copy or otherwise extract text and graphics from the document.
  • Privilege - Fill in Forms: Allows or denies the privilege to fill in interactive form fields (including signature fields).
  • Privilege - Print: Allows or denies the privilege to print the document.
  • Privilege - Screen Readers: Allows or denies the privileged user a screen reader.
  • Privilege - Modify Contents: Allows or denies the privilege to modify the contents of the document by operations other than those controlled by Modify Annotations and Fill in Forms.
  • Privilege - Modify Annotations: Allows or denies the privilege to add or modify text annotations and fill in form fields.
  • Operation ID: (Advanced) The ID of a parent operation, please refer to Flow Action Return Options: File Content vs. Operation ID
  • Return File: (Advanced) Sets whether the action should return a file or alternatively an operation ID: Flow Action Return Options: File Content vs. Operation ID

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