The 'Convert - File to PDF' flow action converts the file provided into a PDF document aligned to the configuration options provided.
Please refer to the Supported File Type articles for a complete list of the 70+ different file formats / document types which are supported for conversion.
Example Flow
Please review the following article detailing how to use the Encodian 'Convert - File to PDF' action to automatically convert documents stored in SharePoint document libraries to PDF format: Automatically convert SharePoint documents to PDF Format
Power Automate Templates
Credit Count
For all non-PDF inputs, the action consumes 1 credit per 1 document converted to PDFs.
If you submit a PDF document for conversion to PDF, this action will check whether it requires OCR and will apply OCR if no text layer is present. In that case, the same credit charging mechanism as the OCR a PDF Document action. OCR is a resource-intensive operation, therefore 1 Encodian Flowr credit is used for every 1 page OCR'd. For example, OCR'ing a 10-page document uses 10 credits. If you have PDFs that require OCR in your workflow and want to avoid this behaviour, please build logic into your flows to skip PDF documents.
Note, different Encodian actions can consume different number credits. Please always check the action specific documentation and read What is an Encodian Action for a full description of how credits are consumed.
The default 'Convert - File to PDF' flow action parameters are detailed below:
- File Content: A Base64 encoded representation of the file to be converted.
- PDF Filename: The filename to assign to the resulting PDF document.
- Filename: The filename (including the file extension) of the file to be converted.
Please refer to the Obtaining the 'File Contents' Parameter article for guidance on how to obtain the 'File Content' parameter ready to provide to an Encodian flow action.
Advanced Parameters
The advanced 'Convert - File to PDF' flow action parameters are detailed below:
- Remove Markup: Sets whether comments and tracked changes should be removed from the document upon conversion. This option is only executed for Microsoft Office documents.
- PDF/A Compliant: Sets whether the resulting document should conform to PDF/A format.
- PDF/A Compliance Level: Sets the required level of PDF/A compliance.
- Generate Bookmarks: Set whether bookmarks should be automatically created for Microsoft Word documents which are converted to PDF.
- Culture Name: Set the culture for the documents prior to conversion. Please refer to the Culture Names article for a list of supported cultures.
- Return File: (Advanced) Sets whether the action should return a file or alternatively an operation ID: Flow Action Return Options: File Content vs. Operation ID
Please refer to the Flow Action Return Options: File Content vs. Operation ID article for further details on the 'Return File' parameter.
Font Support
Only standard Windows fonts are supported by default, please refer to the following article to explore standard Windows fonts: Windows 10 Font List
To enable custom fonts in your converted PDF files, please contact support@encodian.com attaching the custom font files. It will remain your responsibility to assure that usage of any custom font provided is appropriately licenced.