Get Subscription Status - Flowr & Vertr


The 'Get Subscription Status - Flowr & Vertr' Power Automate action obtains real-time information about the current usage statistics for your Encodian subscription for Flowr and Vertr.

Example Flow

Please refer to the following article outlining how to use the 'Get Subscription Status - Flowr & Vertr' Power Automate to monitor usage and generate operational alerts: Monitor Encodian for Power Automate Usage

Credit Count

This action consumes is free to use; no credits are consumed.

Default Parameters

The 'Get Subscription Status - Flowr & Vertr' flow action does not require any input parameters.

Return Parameters

The 'Get Subscription Status - Flowr & Vertr' flow action returns the following data. 

Action Specific Return Values

  • Available Actions - The number of actions remaining for the current calendar month
  • Available Actions - Utility - The number of utility actions remaining for the current calendar month (as a decimal)
  • Subscription Enabled - Indicates whether the Encodian subscription is enabled or disabled
  • Subscription Level - Details the current Encodian subscription level
  • Monthly Actions - Details the allowed actions per month for the current Encodian subscription level
  • Expiry Date - The date and time your Encodian subscription will expire
  • Billing Interval - Details the current billing interval (Monthly or Annually)

Standard Return Values

  • HttpStatusCode - The HTTP Status code for the response.
  • HttpStatusMessage - The HTTP Status message for the response.
  • Errors - An array of error messages should an error occur.


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