PDF - Extract Metadata


The 'PDF - Extract Metadata' collects and returns detailed information about the supplied PDF document, covering contained pages, created and modified dates, title, PDF/A compliance + more.

Credit Count

This action consumes 1 credit per operation.

Note, different Encodian actions can consume different number credits. Please always check the action specific documentation and read What is an Encodian Action for a full description of how credits are consumed.

Default Parameters

The default 'PDF - Extract Metadata' flow action parameters are detailed below:

  • Filename: The filename of the source document (including the file extension).
  • File Content: A Base64 encoded representation of the document

Return Parameters

The 'PDF - Extract Metadata' flow action returns the following data. 

Action Specific Return Values

  • Number of Pages - The number of pages in the supplied PDF document
  • File Size (MBs) - The size of the supplied PDF document in MBs
  • Author - The author of the PDF as set in the PDF properties
  • Creator - The creator of the PDF as set in the PDF properties
  • Producer - The producer of the PDF as set in the PDF properties
  • Title - The title of the PDF as set in the PDF properties
  • Subject - The subject of the PDF as set in the PDF properties
  • Keywords - The keywords of the PDF as set in the PDF properties
  • Custom Properties - All custom properties present within the PDF as a JSON array of key / value pairs
  • Width - The width of the PDF Document (Points)
  • Height - The height of the PDF Document (Points)
  • Orientation - The orientation of the PDF Document
  • Created Date - The creation date of the PDF as set in the PDF properties
  • Modified Date - The last modified date of the PDF as set in the PDF properties
  • PDF Format - The format of the PDF
  • Is PDFA Compliant - Indicates whether the supplied PDF complies with the PDF/A standard
  • Is PDFUA Compliant - Indicates whether the supplied PDF complies with the PDF/UA standard
  • Is Encrypted - Indicates whether the supplied PDF complies with is encrypted
  • Has Text Layer - Indicates whether the supplied PDF has a text layer

Standard Return Values

  • Filename - The filename provided
  • FileContent - A base64 string representation of the file
  • OperationId - The unique ID assigned to this operation
  • HttpStatusCode - The HTTP Status code for the response
  • HttpStatusMessage - The HTTP Status message for the response
  • Errors - An array of error messages should an error occur
  • Operation Status - Indicates whether the operation has been completed, has been queued or has failed
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  • 0
    Len Cardinal


    Regarding the 'File Content' 'Standard Return Value':

    The article above says it is the 'archive (.zip) file'. Is the returned value a ZIP file?

    Also, does this representation need to be returned? It seems like it is chewing up a lot of bandwidth. I'm not sure if we are network metered between data centered, so that may not be a concern, other than adding to the Duration.  Regardless, I'm not sure why the Action would have to pass back the same document body that was passed in. Can it be modified by the action?

  • 0
    Jay Goodison

    Hi Len Cardinal

    CardinalThanks for flagging. It is not a zip file but the file content that is returned in base64 string representation. I have updated the article.

    The dev team will investigate the necessity of returning the file content. Again, thank you for your feedback.

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