The 'PDF - Extract Metadata' collects and returns detailed information about the supplied PDF document, covering contained pages, created and modified dates, title, PDF/A compliance + more.
Credit Count
This action consumes 1 credit per operation.
Note, different Encodian actions can consume different number credits. Please always check the action specific documentation and read What is an Encodian Action for a full description of how credits are consumed.
Default Parameters
The default 'PDF - Extract Metadata' flow action parameters are detailed below:
- Filename: The filename of the source document (including the file extension).
- File Content: A Base64 encoded representation of the document
Return Parameters
The 'PDF - Extract Metadata' flow action returns the following data.
Action Specific Return Values
- Number of Pages - The number of pages in the supplied PDF document
- File Size (MBs) - The size of the supplied PDF document in MBs
- Author - The author of the PDF as set in the PDF properties
- Creator - The creator of the PDF as set in the PDF properties
- Producer - The producer of the PDF as set in the PDF properties
- Title - The title of the PDF as set in the PDF properties
- Subject - The subject of the PDF as set in the PDF properties
- Keywords - The keywords of the PDF as set in the PDF properties
- Custom Properties - All custom properties present within the PDF as a JSON array of key / value pairs
- Width - The width of the PDF Document (Points)
- Height - The height of the PDF Document (Points)
- Orientation - The orientation of the PDF Document
- Created Date - The creation date of the PDF as set in the PDF properties
- Modified Date - The last modified date of the PDF as set in the PDF properties
- PDF Format - The format of the PDF
- Is PDFA Compliant - Indicates whether the supplied PDF complies with the PDF/A standard
- Is PDFUA Compliant - Indicates whether the supplied PDF complies with the PDF/UA standard
- Is Encrypted - Indicates whether the supplied PDF complies with is encrypted
- Has Text Layer - Indicates whether the supplied PDF has a text layer
Standard Return Values
- Filename - The filename provided
- FileContent - A base64 string representation of the file
- OperationId - The unique ID assigned to this operation
- HttpStatusCode - The HTTP Status code for the response
- HttpStatusMessage - The HTTP Status message for the response
- Errors - An array of error messages should an error occur
- Operation Status - Indicates whether the operation has been completed, has been queued or has failed