Encodian Flowr supports a large number of different document types for conversion to PDF.
If you have a requirement for a document type that is not listed below in the supported types, please let us know by emailing support@encodian.com and we will be able to advise whether the conversion is possible and when we will be able to add it to the application.
Word File Types:
- doc
- dot
- docpreword60
- docx
- docm
- dotx
- dotm
- rtf
- wordml
- html
- mhtml
- mobi
- odt
- ott
- text
- txt
- htm
- mht
Spreadsheet File Types:
- csv
- xlsx
- tabdelimited
- ods
- spreadsheetml
- xlsb
- xls
- xltx
Presentation File Types:
- ppt
- pps
- pptx
- ppsx
- odp
- potx
- pptm
- ppsm
- potm
- otp
- ppt95
Diagram File Types:
- vdx
- vsd
- vsx
- vss
- vtx
- vst
- vdw
- vsdx
- vstx
- vssx
- vsdm
- vssm
- vstm
Image File Types:
- bmp
- jpeg
- jpg
- png
- tiff
- tif
- heic
PDF File Types:
Email File Types:
- msg
- eml
CAD File Types:
- dwg
- dxf
- dwf
- ifc
- stl
- dgn
OneNote File Type
- One
Project File Types
- mpp
- mpt
- mpx