Subscription - Buy Additional Credits



The 'Subscription - Buy Additional Credits' action allows you to automate purchasing additional credits for your Encodian subscription. 

Credit Count

This action consumes is free to use; no credits are consumed.

Default Options

The default 'Subscription - Buy Additional Credits' flow action parameters are detailed below:

  • Product Name: The product name of the subscription to add additional credits to
  • Purchase Type: The purchase type for the order: 'Automated' or 'Invoice'
  • Credits: The number of additional credits to be purchased: Multiples of 250 for 'Automated' orders, Multiples of 1000 for 'Invoice' orders (Minimum 4000)
  • Purchase Order: The ID of the purchase order

Please refer to the Obtaining the 'File Contents' Parameter article for guidance on how to obtain the 'File Content' parameter ready to provide to an Encodian flow action.

Return Parameters

The 'Subscription - Buy Additional Credits' flow action returns the following data. 

Standard Return Values

  • OperationId - The unique ID assigned to this operation.
  • HttpStatusCode - The HTTP Status code for the response.
  • HttpStatusMessage - The HTTP Status message for the response.
  • Errors - An array of error messages should an error occur.
  • Operation Status - Indicates whether the operation has been completed, has been queued or has failed.
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