The 'Utility - Create JWT' utility action for Power Automate enables the creation of JSON Web Token's (JWT) as per the configuration specified.
Credit Count
This is a Utility action and therefore consumes only 0.05 credits per operation (except 1 credit on the free plan). For example, 100 operations will consume 5 credits on a trial and all paid plans.
The default 'Utility - Create JWT' utility action parameters are detailed below:
- Claims: Set the 'Claims' to be added to the JWT
- Algorithm: Set the JWT security algorithm to use: HmacSha*, RsaSha*, Es*
- Key: Set the JWT key to be used within the selected algorithm
Advanced Parameters
The advanced 'Utility - Create JWT' utility action parameters are detailed below:
- Issuer: The issuer of the JWT
- Subject: The subject of the JWT (the user)
- Audience: The recipient for which the JWT is intended
- Expiration Time: The time after which the JWT expires (Unix TimeStamp)
- Before Time:The time before which the JWT must not be accepted for processing (Unix TimeStamp)
- Issued Time:The time at which the JWT was issued; can be used to determine age of the JWT (Unix TimeStamp)
- Unique Identifier:The unique identifier; can be used to prevent the JWT from being replayed (allows a token to be used only once)
Return Parameters
Action Specific Return Values
- Result - The JWT token
Standard Return Values
- OperationId - The unique ID assigned to this operation.
- HttpStatusCode - The HTTP Status code for the response.
- HttpStatusMessage - The HTTP Status message for the response.
- Errors - An array of error messages should an error occur.
- Operation Status - Indicates whether the operation has been completed, has been queued or has failed.