The 'Utility - Convert XML to JSON' action for Power Automate converts the XML provided to JSON.
Credit Count
This is a Utility action and therefore consumes only 0.05 credits per operation (except 1 credit on the free plan). For example, 100 operations will consume 5 credits on a trial and all paid plans.
Default Parameters
The default 'Utility - Convert XML to JSON' flow action parameters are detailed below:
- XML - The XML to convert to JSON
Advanced Parameters
The advanced 'Utility - Convert XML to JSON' flow action parameters are detailed below:
- Omit Root Object -Set whether the root object should be omitted
Return Parameters
Action Specific Return Values
- Result - The JSON data as a string
Standard Return Values
- OperationId - The unique ID assigned to this operation.
- HttpStatusCode - The HTTP Status code for the response.
- HttpStatusMessage - The HTTP Status message for the response.
- Errors - An array of error messages should an error occur.
- Operation Status - Indicates whether the operation has been completed, has been queued or has failed.