AI - Translate File



The 'AI - Translate File' Power Automate action will translate the file provided to a single selected language.

Credit Count

The credit count is determined using the following calculation:

50 characters = 0.05 credits

For example:

452 Characters = 0.50 Credits

8956 Characters = 9.00 Credits

565 Characters = 0.55 Credits

Default Parameters

The default 'AI - Translate File' flow action parameters are detailed below:

  • Filename: The filename (including the file extension) of the file to be converted.
  • File Content: A Power Automate 'File Content' property representing the file to be converted.
  • Source Language: The language of the source text, select 'AUTO' to automatically detect
  • Target Language: The language to convert the source 'Text' value to

Return Parameters

The 'AI - Translate File' flow action returns the following data. 

Action Specific Return Values

  • Filename - The filename of the translated flow
  • File Content - The translated file

Standard Return Values

  • OperationId - The unique ID assigned to this operation.
  • HttpStatusCode - The HTTP Status code for the response.
  • HttpStatusMessage - The HTTP Status message for the response.
  • Errors - An array of error messages should an error occur.
  • Operation Status - Indicates whether the operation has been completed, has been queued or has failed.

Data Residency

Requests sent to the 'AI - Translate File' action will be processed within the following Azure regions:

Encodian Region Azure Data Center(s)

Closest available data center


Japan East, Southeast Asia

Canada East US 2, West US 2
Germany France Central, West Europe
Switzerland Switzerland North, Switzerland West
United Kingdom France Central, West Europe
United States of America East US 2, West US 2

Input File Types

The following file types are supported for translation:

  • pdf
  • csv
  • html
  • htm
  • xlf
  • markdown
  • mdown
  • mkdn
  • md
  • mkd
  • mdwn
  • mdtxt
  • mdtext
  • rmd
  • mhtml
  • mht
  • xlsx
  • xls - converted to xlsx
  • ods - converted to xlsx
  • msg
  • pptx 
  • ppt - converted to pptx
  • odp - converted to pptx
  • docx
  • doc - converted to docx
  • odt - converted to docx
  • rtf - converted to docx
  • tsv
  • tab
  • txt

Error Handling - 'The translation request has been throttled'

Potentially at times of peak load the following error could be generated:

"The translation request has been throttled, please contact"

This will result in delayed processing execution. For paying customers who have a 'Large' or higher subscription level, a dedicated processing endpoint can be requests via which will help to alleviate this issue. 

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