Excel - Populate


The 'Excel - Populate' Power Automate action enables you to populate a Microsoft Excel workbook (XLSX) with data derived from a JSON document.

Populate Excel Syntax

Please refer to these articles providing detailed guidance and examples for configuring the input Excel workbook and JSON data: Template Syntax for 'Excel - Populate'

Credit Count

This action consumes 1 credit per operation.

Note, different Encodian actions can consume different number credits. Please always check the action specific documentation and read What is an Encodian Action for a full description of how credits are consumed.

Default Parameters

The default 'Excel - Populate' flow action parameters are detailed below:

  • File Content: The Microsoft Excel workbook (PPTX) to populate
  • JSON Data: The JSON data to populate the Microsoft Excel wookbook with

Please refer to the Obtaining the 'File Contents' Parameter article for guidance on how to obtain a 'File Content' parameter ready to provide to an Encodian flow action.

Advanced Parameters

The advanced 'Excel - Populate' Power Automate action parameters are detailed below:

  • JSON Parse Mode: Sets the JSON parsing mode for simple values (null, boolean, number, integer, and string).
    • Standard: JSON simple values are determined upon parsing of their string representations. For example, '{ "example": "69" }' is determined as an integer in this mode.
    • Strict: JSON simple values are determined directly from the JSON notation. For example, '{ "example": "69" }' is determined as an string in this mode.
  • Calculate Workbook: Automatically calculate formulas upon population
  • Use Excel Data Types: When enabled data is added to the workbook using corresponding Excel data types as opposed to a string data type
  • Allow Missing Values: Sets the engine to allow missing values 'JSON Data'
  • Inline Errors: Produces errors within the resultant file as opposed to rejecting the request with a HTTP 4** error
  • Remove Empty Paragraphs: Sets the engine to automatically removes any empty paragraphs upon execution
  • Date Time Formats: Set one or more specific formats for parsing DateTime values
  • Culture Name: This setting is used to set the culture for the document prior to conversion. Please refer to the Culture Names article for a list of supported culture

Return Parameters

The 'Excel - Populate' flow action returns the following data. 

Action Specific Return Values

  • File Content - The populated Excel file (Base64)

Standard Return Values

  • OperationId - The unique ID assigned to this operation.
  • HttpStatusCode - The HTTP Status code for the response.
  • HttpStatusMessage - The HTTP Status message for the response.
  • Errors - An array of error messages should an error occur.
  • Operation Status - Indicates whether the operation has completed, has been queued or has failed.
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