The 'Utility - Parse HTML Table' action for Power Automate parses a HTML table to JSON. The action will automatically locate HTML tables contained within HTML documents, by default the first HTML table would be parsed the advanced properties can be used to target other contained tables.
Video Guide
Get data from HTML tables in Power Automate
Credit Count
This is a Utility action and therefore consumes only 0.05 credits per operation (except 1 credit on the free plan). For example, 100 operations will consume 5 credits on a trial and all paid plans.
Default Parameters
The default 'Utility - Parse HTML Table' flow action parameters are detailed below:
- File Content: (Optional) A Base64 encoded representation of the HTML (.html) file to be processed.
- HTML Data: (Optional) Enter the HTML data to parse
Advanced Parameters
The advanced 'Utility - Parse HTML Table' flow action parameters are detailed below:
- Table Index: Set the index of the HTML table to parse, for when more than one table is present within the HTML (The default is 1)
- Table ID: Set the ID of the HTML table to parse, for when more than one table is present within the HTML
- Quantity Filter: Set that rows with only the number of columns specified will be parsed
- Content Filter: Set that only table cells which match the specified type will be parsed
Return Parameters
Action Specific Return Values
- Result - The HTML table data parsed as a JSON string
Standard Return Values
- OperationId - The unique ID assigned to this operation.
- HttpStatusCode - The HTTP Status code for the response.
- HttpStatusMessage - The HTTP Status message for the response.
- Errors - An array of error messages should an error occur.
- Operation Status - Indicates whether the operation has been completed, has been queued or has failed.