The Encodian population engine supports conditional expressions which enable you to add logic to your slide to evaluate defined criteria to ascertain whether certain tokens (and related data) should be inserted into the slide.
This article covers the following topics and examples:
Conditional Expression Syntax Overview
Conditional Expression Operators
Conditional Expression Syntax Overview
Conditional expressions conform to common logical syntactical constructs, see below:
<<if [conditional_expression1]>>
Show this data
<<elseif [conditional_expression2]>>
Show This data
This this data
Example #1 - Basic
Example File: Encodian - Template Syntax - Conditions Basic.pptx
Example JSON Data:
"companyName": "Encodian",
"invoicePaid": true,
"invoiceOverdue": false,
"invoiceDue": "2023-10-01",
"invoiceValue": 10000
Configure the slide with required conditional expressions and content:
<<if [invoicePaid == false]>>
The invoice has not been paid.
The invoice has been paid.
This generates the following output:
Example #2 - Advanced
Example File: Encodian - Template Syntax - Conditions Advanced.pptx
Example JSON Data:
"companyName": "Encodian",
"invoicePaid": false,
"invoiceDue": "2023-10-01",
"invoiceValue": 10000,
"generatedOn": "2023-09-01"
Configure the slide with required conditional expressions and content:
<<if [invoicePaid == false && invoiceDue < generatedOn]>>
The invoice is unpaid and overdue.
<<elseif [invoicePaid == false && invoiceDue > generatedOn]>>
The invoice is unpaid and due <<[invoiceDue]:"yyyy.MM.dd" >>
The invoice is paid.
This generates the following output:
Example #3 - Tables
Example File: Encodian - Template Syntax - Conditions - Tables.pptx
Example JSON Data:
"contracts": [
"customerName": "Microsoft",
"value": 100000.00,
"expires": "13/06/2024"
"customerName": "Encodian",
"value": 6872500.00,
"expires": "18/02/2029"
"customerName": "Heritage",
"value": 13549.35,
"expires": "6/12/2025"
Configure the slide with required conditional expressions and content:
Row 1 > Column 1: <<foreach [contract in contracts]>><<if [contract.customerName!="Encodian"]>><<[contract.customerName]>>
Row 1 > Column 2: <<[contract.expires]:"yyyy.MM.dd">>
Row 1 > Column 3: <<[contract.value]>><</if>><</foreach>>
Row 2 > Column 1: <<[contracts.Sum(c => c.value)]>>
This generates the following output:
Example #4 - Date Time Values
Example File: Encodian - Template Syntax - Conditions - DateTime.pptx
Example JSON Data:
"commenced": "2023/08/29",
"expires": "2024/08/28",
Configure the slide with required conditional expressions and content:
<<if [expires.ToString() == ""]>>
Expires On: None
Expires On: <<[expires]:"yyyy-MM-dd">>
NOTE: You must use the ToString() method to compare a DateTime value with a string. If this step is not performed the engine will throw an error stating that a DateTime object cannot be compared with a string.
This generates the following output:
Checking for Null Values
By default the 'JSON Parse Mode' is set to 'Standard' and therefore the populate engine will parse null values as empty strings. When checking for null values we recommend setting the 'JSON Parse Mode' option to 'Strict'.
Example JSON Data:
{ "value": null }
The following options are available for performing a null check:
Conditional Expression Operators
The following table contains all operators that the Encodian population engine supports
- Binary: * / % + - << >> < > <= >= == != & ^ | && || ??
- Primary: x.y x?.y f(x) a[x] a?[x] new
- Unary: - ! ~ (T)x
- Ternary: ?:
The population engine follows operator precedence, associativity, and overload resolution rules declared at C# Language Specification 5.0 while evaluating template expressions. However, please consider the following limitations considering the specification:
- Implicit user-defined conversions are supported only when specified explicitly.
- The indexing of multi-dimensional arrays is not supported.
- Whereas the object initializer syntax is supported (including objects of anonymous types), the collection initializer syntax is not.