Ability to add a Table of Contents for files merged to PDF.

We need a feature that a Table of Contents is generated based on all the files that get merged into a PDF.

Our use case now is that we have case files that could have a huge number of attachments that need to be all merged into a single PDF. Once printed out into a physical copy for specific reasons, we would need to ensure there is a Table of Contents that allows users to find a specific attachment effectively. 


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    Jay Goodison Official comment

    Steven L - Can I validate this this in addition to the bookmark feature raised on a separate thread? we are already working on actions to build and insert 'Table of Contents' for both Word and PDF formats... but I expect the requirement here is to auto-generate the 'Table of Contents' based on merge files, similar to the bookmarks? 

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    Steven L

    Hi Jay Goodison, that is correct, the Table of Contents feature should be in addition to the bookmark feature. 

    Yes, the requirement is to auto-generate based on merged files and is like the bookmark feature that you have pending to release.

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    Jay Goodison

    Hi Steven L - We're working from the very high level functional requirements, would you like to add / amend:

    • PDF – Insert Table of Contents
      • Option A – Bookmarks

    The ToC would be auto-generated using the bookmarks contained within the document

      • Option B – Manual

    The ToC would be manually created from a JSON document 

    Further features would allow you to control:

    • Fonts / Styling / Alignment
    • Insertion configuration (page number, first, last, etc)
    • Title
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    Steven L

    Thanks Jay Goodison. I am really pleased with these functional requirements. Looking forward to this, please let me know the potential release date for this feature. 

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    Jay Goodison

    Thanks Steven L - We'll confirm upon release which should be 2 to 3 months

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    Patrick S

    Hi Jay,

    Can you give an estimated time on when is this feature will be available?


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    Jay Goodison

    Steven L Patrick S

    The 'PDF - Insert Table of Contents' action has now shipped - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/16455983120028

    You can access the feature now by creating a custom connector pointing to: https://api.apps-encodian.com/swagger/PDF/swagger.json

    Or the action should be available globally within Power Automate within 6 - 8 weeks once Microsoft have completed the deployment

    Edited by Jay Goodison
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