The Encodian population engine enables HTML to be inserted directly into the word document by using an expression format property. For further details on expression formatting please visit: Expression Results and Formatting
Expression Format
To insert HTML data directly into a document the HTML switch should be provided:
<<[token] -html>>
If the HTML switch is not present, the result of the expression is written to the document as plain text. Text formatting is derived from the first character of the corresponding token in this case.
If the HTML switch is present, the expression result is inserted into the document as an HTML block.
Example - Insert HTML
Example Document: Encodian - Template Syntax - Format HTML.docx
Example JSON Data:
"companyName": "Encodian",
"formedOn": "17/06/2008",
"overview": "We are <b>experts</b> in information, document and records management, we specialise in delivering business solutions for our customers utilising <i>Microsoft 365</i> and supporting Microsoft cloud technology."
Configure the required token within the document with the HTML switch:
<<[overview] -html>>
This generates the following output:
Syntax Support
Please refer to our Template Design forum where our support team can help with template syntax / you can see solutions to common use cases.