There are multiple options for installing Encodian Vertr. This article covers manually downloading the latest Vertr SPFX package and manually deploying to all SharePoint Online sites via SharePoint Central Administration.
The user installing Encodian Vertr will require the following permissions:
- SharePoint Administrator (Microsoft 365 Admin Role)
- Right to 'Grant Admin Consent' for Enterprise Applications within Azure AD
Video Guide
Deploy the Encodian Vertr App to your Microsoft 365 Tenant
1. Download the 'Vertr.sppkg' app package
2. Navigate to the SharePoint Admin Center by entering the following URL in your browser. Replace yourtenantprefix with your Microsoft 365 tenant prefix.
3. In the left sidebar, select More features
4. Locate the section Apps and select Open.
5. Click 'Upload'
6. Select the preferred deployment option. We recommend deploying the Encodian Trigr app to all sites by selecting the 'Enable this app and add it to all sites' option
7. Click 'Enable App'
NOTE: If you wish to only enable the app but not install to all sites then please follow this guidance: Deploy to selected SharePoint Online Sites
8.Click 'Go to API access page' to enable the requested permissions
9.a. Select each request for Encodian Vertr and click 'Approve'
NOTE: It is common for some Microsoft Graph permissions to have been previously approved, and therefore approval may not be requested.
9.b. Click 'Approve'
9.c. To approve requested permissions, select 'Consent on behalf of your organisation', click 'Accept'
9.d. Confirm the logged in account or change as needed
9.e. Click 'Accept'
9.f. Close the window
10. The Encodian Vertr app has now been deployed and will be available within your SharePoint sites