We hope that you'll find Encodian Vertr's user interface intuitive and self-explanatory to use. This article and accompanying video provide a comprehensive guide for merging multiple selected files to a single PDF document using Encodian Vertr.
Step by Step Video Guide
Step by Step Guide
1. Navigate to a SharePoint site and selected document library where the Encodian Vertr app has been installed
2. Launch the Vertr application by following these three steps:
2.a. Step 1: Select the files you wish to merge to a single PDF document
2.b. Step 2: Launch the file context menu
2.c. Step 3: Select 'Convert'
3. Select the 'Merge Files to PDF' option
4. If required; select a different SharePoint document library to add the converted file to using the 'Destination Library' option:
5. If required; set a new filename by updating the 'Merged PDF Filename' text field:
6. As required; select the required 'Options':
- Overwrite File: Where a file exists with the same name as the merged file, this option sets whether the file should be overwritten or a new filename automatically generated.
- Remove Markup (PDF Only): When selected and upon conversion, all tracked changes are accepted and comments removed to create the PDF document. The source document is not updated and tracked changes / comments will remain unaltered.
- PDF/A Compliant (PDF Only): When selected, the PDF document generated will align to the PDF/A compliance version configured by the administrator.
7. If required; Add and configure a document watermark
8. If required; Secure the document with a password
9. Click 'Convert' to process the request.
10. The request will commence processing
11. The request result will be provided, upon a successful conversion a link to the file will be provided
12. The merged file will be present within the relevant SharePoint document library