Convert multiple files to other file formats

We hope that you'll find Encodian Vertr's user interface intuitive and self-explanatory to use. This article and accompanying video provide a comprehensive guide for converting a multiple selected files to other file formats using Encodian Vertr.

Step by Step Video Guide

Step by Step Guide

1. Navigate to a SharePoint site and selected document library where the Encodian Vertr app has been installed

2. Launch the Vertr application by following these three steps:

2.a. Step 1: Select the files you wish to convert

2.b. Step 2: Launch the file context menu

2.c. Step 3: Select 'Convert'

3. The Vertr application will launch defaulting to convert the files to PDF format.

Configuration options may differ where the system administrator has enabled / disabled certain features, additionally configuration options are contextual to the format of the source and output files. For example; you'll not be able to select the 'PDF/A Compliant' option unless the administrator has enabled this option and the 'Convert To' option is set to create a PDF file.

4. If required; select a different SharePoint document library to add the converted file to using the 'Destination Library' option:

For each file, update the configuration as required.

5. Select the file format using the 'Convert To' option:

'Convert To' options will be contextual to the file format of the source file

6. If required; set a new filename by updating the 'New Filename' text field:

7. To update file conversion settings click the settings icon

8. As required; select the required 'Options':

  • Overwrite File: Where a file exists with the same name as the converted file, this option sets whether the file should be overwritten or a new filename automatically generated.
  • Copy Metadata: When selected, metadata and the content type of the source file will be applied to the converted file
  • Copy Permissions: When selected, permissions applied to the source file will be applied to the converted file
  • Remove Markup (PDF Only): When selected and upon conversion, all tracked changes are accepted and comments removed to create the PDF document. The source document is not updated and tracked changes / comments will remain unaltered.
  • PDF/A Compliant (PDF Only): When selected, the PDF document generated will align to the PDF/A compliance version configured by the administrator.

9. If required; Add and configure a document watermark

This option is only available where the 'Convert To' option is set to 'PDF' or 'DOCX'

9. If required; Secure the document with a password

This option is only available where the 'Convert To' option is set to 'PDF' or 'DOCX'

10. Click 'Close'

11. Click 'Convert' to process the request.

12. The request will commence processing

13. The request result will be provided, upon a successful conversion a link to each file will be provided

14. The converted files will be present within the relevant SharePoint document library

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